Certified FDOT & DBE Contractor: License: CUC1224133

Safety is our top Priority

Excavation is one of the most dangerous types of work in the industry. Brewer Paving & Development therefore makes its safety training and procedures a top priority.

Underground utility work, excavation, earth work and road work has its own set of disciplines and methods. Because workers are often in a trench, near or in a roadway, around loud noises and always around large heavy equipment safety is imperative.

All field supervisors have completed advanced training, often in a multitude of different categories. Brewer Paving & Development works only one way – the right way.

Highlights of our safety program include:

  • Weekly safety meetings with all foreman’s and field personnel
  • Quarterly companywide safety meeting
  • Training classes by certified instructors
  • Any and all safety equipment supplied to employees at all times
  • Trench boxes supplied whenever needed
  • Safety vests or fluorescent shirts be worn at all times
  • Mandatory hard hat to be worn on all projects
  • Mandatory full face shield with filtration system while cutting concrete
  • Foreman’s check off each day if there were any incidents
  • Pre-employment, post-incident and random drug and alcohol testing program
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